Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Take a good look!

It is time for Americans to ignore the media, ignore the celebrities, ignore the incumbents, ignore what family and friends say and take a good hard look at where America is today through their own eyes.
Is this the America they grew up in, is this the America they want to grow old in, is this the America they want their families to grow up in? If it is that's fine. If it isn't well now you have to figure out who caused it and what you can do about it.
Who caused it? To me that's pretty simple, the elected public servants that we put into office to protect America and the Rights, Freedoms and Jobs of Americans and have not done that. They have put the interests of foreign countries, foreign workers, international corporations and their own pockets and power above that of the American Citizens they were elected to serve and protect. Whose fault is it? It is ours, the citizens of America, by not voting, by just voting the party line, by thinking media and celebrities are smarter than us and know what is best for us and not using our own brains and voting for who they tells us to.
Incumbents need to be voted out of office this election. It doesn't matter what party they are a member of, it doesn't matter if it is city, state or federal all the elected public servants now in office are the reason America is in the trouble it is in. They will tell you they are the only ones that know how to get us out of this problem. They are the ones who got us in this trouble so if they know how to get us out why haven't they? We need to vote out everyone, we need to vote in those whose principles put the American Citizens and America First!

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