Tuesday, March 27, 2018

No help for mental health issues.

Let's be real about why the government is not seriously addressing the mental health issue, only doing sound bites to make a fake showing of it. The government indoctrination centers (schools) are putting these kids on drugs by claiming different learning/behavior disorders, most of which were dealt with in the past successfully without drugs. This is because they do not want to solve or end the mental health issue. They are causing it, to use for their agenda in disarming America and destroying it.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Stand together Veterans!

U.S. Veterans have been defending the Constitution since it was written, we have successfully defended it on countless battlefields across the globe. While we have been successful against foreign enemies we are close to losing to domestic adversaries. They trained us in the weapons of war but neglected to train us in the most important weapon to protect the Constitution and that is the voting booth. Politicians have no qualms about putting veterans at risk. They have quite a few qualms in giving Veterans the medical benefits they have earned. Elected Public servants (politicians) make sure they have they best benefits in the world from an “temporary” position. Illegals and welfare recipients can go to any hospital. Veterans can't. Both parties are more interested in maintaining the status quo and their cushy jobs so one hand washes the other and they both stay dirty. It's time for us to learn that “new weapon” the Voting booth. There are 21.8 million veterans if we all cover each others back as we learned to do in Basic and each get one other person to vote with us, we vote as a block for Veteran candidates/supporters we can take back America. We will equal both parties. It's time we start voting not as Black, White, Hispanic, Republican or Democrat but as Veterans. Pay attention to who is running, are they a Vet, are they honest, if they are incumbents do they support Vets and the Constitution? The only reason we have lost benefits and have to beg for help is we have forgotten to stand together as Veterans and vote as such with friends and family members who support us. We need to defend the Constitution in the voting booth the same way generations of us have on the battlefield.


Question of the day. What will it take to go back to a Government By The People, of The People, and For The People not for the political parties and their corporate masters?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What do you think?

Can you follow this?
According to one theory, time is infinite no beginning no end. Does this mean that what we consider the past, present and future are all existing or happening at the same time so to speak? On different planes or dimensions? This would mean that would mean that our infant self is existing at the same time time as our 16 year old, our 60 year old. Each second of our life would live infinitely. Then when life as we know it it ends, our physical death as we call it what happens to our life force, spirit? Does it just now exist as nothingness forever or infinity? Is it recycled as a new life, reincarnation? If there is reincarnation and in following with the earlier idea that past, present and future are all existing at once does this mean that reincarnation can be, past or future? I rule out coming back in what would be considered our “present” time since the universe does seem to have rules, and one is no two things can occupy the same space at the same time, so I don't believe our life force can be in multiple beings in the “present”. Therefore that leaves the past or the future. Perhaps in the course of many lives over infinity we have gone back and forth from the future to the past and the past to the future. This may be one reason when we meet certain people we feel like we know them and perhaps we knew them in a past or future life. The reason I say we may have reincarnated from the future to the past is think about some of the amazing things that happened in our prehistoric days. Who developed cooking over fire and why? Leonardo da Vinci invented things and designed things in the 1500's that couldn't be used or built until the technology required was developed. I've seen where people have said perhaps he was a time traveler from the future who got stuck there. Perhaps the universe had him reincarnated at that time from the future to guide where technology was to go to help humankind. The same way someone was sent back to teach us how to cook, and to build and to heal. Perhaps this is how we are guided by the universe. Since time is infinite and we (our life force) not necessarily as humans keep building and destroying civilizations and worlds as we search to become one with the universe. Which may never happen.