Tuesday, June 9, 2015

We need a third party

Based on the new budget in CT which will drive businesses either out of the state or out of business, and insure that middle income and retired people will lose money to support a bloated state government and welfare system it is time to look at the 2 party system.
Apathy is a major problem. Most people feel that neither party addresses the issues in the way they want them addressed so they either don't bother to vote or blindly vote for the party they and their family has always voted for because of something it did generations ago. Unfortunately this does nothing to help American Taxpaying Citizens or businesses that have made America great. All it does is perpetuate the power of the 2 parties. This is absolutely wrong in that the politicians of both parties have ignored the fact that they are nothing more then “Elected Public Servants”. They are not royalty or elite Americans and based on their disregard of the Constitution and the will of American Citizens the word Honorable should not precede their names.
What is required is a viable third and even fourth party that will be responsive to the will of the people and upset the status quo of the 2 parties where one hand washes the other and the both stay dirty and ignore the people.
I see two possibilities out there, the Veterans Party of America and the Tea Party. However based on election laws put into place by the 2 controlling parties it is extremely difficult for them to get recognition on the ballot. So I strongly suggest you check out these 2 parties and decide which most represents your views and desires on how CT and America should go and vote that way, not blindly for the 2 parties bent on destroying America and Freedom.

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