Thursday, October 1, 2015

CT secret budget

The CT budget one day in the black, the next in the red. Master illusionist David Copperfield couldn't do a better job keeping the truth from the taxpayers.
We have 3 billion taxpayers dollars worth of “Grants” in the FY-16. What are “Grants” we see them called all different things, Federal, State Economical development office and many more, but what they truly are is “Taxpayers” dollars used to fund projects that the taxpayers wouldn't want done. They also pay off political favors. Politicians,cities unions vote the way the ruling party wants them to and amazing they get this “State” grant that saves their taxpayers money or puts their members to work. 3 billion dollars! That is approximately 16% of the budget. $160 dollars of every $1000 taken from taxpayers. I don't know about you but I'd rather have that $160 per $1000 in my pocket to spend the way I want.
Also in the budget there is a category called on the pie chart “Non-Functional” and that is for 24% of the budget or about 5 billion dollars $240 out of every $1000 taken from taxpayers. I could not find out whether the “Grant” money was included, I could not find any definition so I would think the “grant” money is not included. I find it very disturbing that what is done with 8 billion taxpayers dollars 40% the state budget is hidden from the taxpayers. We the People are the employers of the elected public servants and the civil servants, they are answerable to us and not the other way around. I think it is time before any cuts to services, tax increases, or bonding that the books are completely opened and we the citizen taxpayers of CT have the final say in where the money is spent and how much we can be taxed.

Figures and percentages from

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