Thursday, July 30, 2015

Mass transit costs

The Malloy regime which is intent on bankrupting working class taxpayers and driving more people and businesses out of the state have come up with yet another method. Besides putting tolls on roads they want to use GPS devices to charge you for the miles you drive. That is way to government intrusive into the private lives and habits of American Citizens and I hope the ACLU looks into that. However I have some questions and suggestions.
How much money is collected by the gasoline and diesel state fuel taxes and sales taxes, the road use taxes paid by commercial vehicles, the fees collected by DMV for all their regulations, taxes and fees on cabs and limousine services, all the advertising on the sides of state buses, motor vehicle taxes paid to the cities and towns and I'm sure I missed a few revenue sources and where is it spent?

First question how many hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are spent supporting illegals and sanctuary cities? All that money could go to transportation.

Now the big question, how many billions of dollars are spent subsidizing mass transit? Busway ways to nowhere, and just bus and train service? Before any increase in taxes, tolls or potentially illegal monitoring of American Citizens and charging them for that is even considered all mass transit should be self supporting without any taxpayer subsidies. I am not talking about making a profit I am just stating that it should break even. If it doesn't increase the riders charges, cut personnel, cut pay, study the routes if the route isn't paying for itself drop it. Having buses driving around without paying for itself is a waste of taxpayers money, and the same goes for trains. Treat it like a private business.

The problem in CT is the government run by the Democrats considers the taxpayers and businesses nothing more then their ATM. They never consider cutting anything, if businesses operated like this they wouldn't be in business. It is time the government starts being run like a business. I wish Trump was running for Governor.

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