Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Veterans for leaders

I was born and brought up in the United States of America the greatest country in the history of the world. When did it become Federal America?
When did the states cede their rights to the Federal government? The Constitution defines clearly the rights and duties of the Federal government and that of the States.
I find nothing in the U.S. Constitution that allows the Federal Government to tell states how to educate, what they can or cannot eat along with a host of other usurpations of individual and states Rights.. I see nothing that allows them to take land from the states, nothing that allows federal law to supersede state or local law. How then has this happened? Apathy! Apathy and the lack of educating the people of their Rights under the Constitution. The government of the U.S. Is 100% made up of servants of the United States Citizens, be they civil servants who are hired the same as those in private sector to perform specific duties or those Elected Public Servants we the citizens have put into a position to enact laws that We The People want. Not laws that violate the Constitution, not laws that benefit foreign countries and companies at the expense of the US Citizen. Not laws that benefit special interest groups. These Elected Public Servants took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution” the same as every Veteran. However I see a difference in that Veterans take the Oath one step further and that is we put our lives on the line. Not so for EPS (Elected Public Servants) and based on how they ignore the Constitution it appears they only mouth the words. This needs to change. We need to put in elected office those people who have been willing to put their lives on the line for the Constitution and that is VETERANS. At the same time I want to include those people who wanted to join the military but for reasons of health or family they were not able to. By attempting to they showed the same love of America and the Constitution that we who served do.

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