A great deal of hostility is directed
at employers for not paying a “living” wage. Is it directed at
the correct people? The purpose of a business is to make a profit,
to this end they watch what they pay employees, supplies etc.,
skill and training required by the job plays a role. Based on this
they come up with a wage. Is it livable? Yes to start with. Now we
come to the part of the livable wage discussion no elected public
servant wants to discuss, how much money from this “livable” wage
does the government take? Taxes are required to pay for certain
things in society, police, fire, education, roads, libraries and
should include some limited additional social services. However
elected public servants public unions along with illegals and those
who abuse and make welfare a career choice treat the private sector
workers pay checks as ATMs. Why should public employees get
pensions, be paid for lunch, better health care then private sector?
Why should people be able to stay on welfare forever? Why should
illegals get anything more then a ticket home? In CT alone by the
Democrats own pie chart grants and non-functional services account
for 40% of the state taxes taken out of a paycheck that is 5 billion
dollars a year and no accountability. The feds are worse with
retirement from elected public servant positions and trillions to
foreign countries and illegals yet they ignore Vets and American
Citizens who need help. Businesses have to pay these taxes and make
a profit as well so the cost of their goods and services goes up
cutting into the “Livable wage”. We should ask the elected
public servants why the taxes are so high that people can't live on
their paychecks.