Saturday, August 23, 2014

Old School Americans

I think we Old School Americans who believe in a Supreme Being, the U.S. Constitution the 2nd Amendment actually working for our pay, out number the socialist sheep, The issue it seems to me is getting more of us to the polls. I can't count the number of times I've heard "my vote won't matter". Well it does matter. When people start complaining about the government I ask did you vote? If the answer is NO I tell them to shut up. Don't bitch to me if you have a vote and are to lazy to use it. Maybe we not the socialists should find a way to bring those who can't get to the polls to the polls. Have a bus at a nursing home, a senior center. Why is only the socialists who do this? Time for all of us Old School Americans to stand together and bring back America and FREEDOM.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Bring back the American Dream

It is time that the American Dream is re-established, that American Citizens and companies are not insulted and taxed out of existence because they dare to make a profit. The American people need to remember that the government is here to serve the American Citizen; the American Citizen is not here to serve the government contrary to what the politicians want us to believe

It is time the government stops taking money out of the pockets of the American Citizen under the guise of taxes to better the living conditions of citizens of foreign countries. It is time the American government stops taking jobs and money away from American Citizens by giving foreign countries/companies breaks on duties and tariffs on imports into the US. The duties and tariffs and red tape should match what that country charges American companies to import into their country. It is time the government stops with punitive taxes and untenable laws based on emotion and run by government agencies that act as feudal lords on American business that prevent them from making a profit in America.

We need to rid the government of the professional politicians those people who have done nothing but live off the tax dollars/backs of hardworking American Taxpayers and put in their place business people who understand profit and loss. Who understand that budgets must be made and adhered to. Who understand that it is the government’s job to cut costs and not just increase taxes on already over taxed citizens who have to make cuts in their own budgets. It doesn’t matter if they are democrat or republican if they are not for the working American Taxpayer and American Businesses they need to go. In short we need to have a house cleaning in Washington. Again it doesn’t matter if they are democrats or republicans if they put any other country above America they need to go.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Moral obligation

1.of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.

3.founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations.

4.capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being.

5.conforming to the rules of right conduct (opposed to immoral ): a moral man.



Interesting definition.


My question is when did 'moral' become a license to steal or take money from one group of people and give it to another under the guise of moral obligation?


During my formative years I was taught it was my moral obligation to be a honest hardworking productive member of society, not a leech on it. 


It appears somehow this definition of the moral obligation has been perverted.  No longer is it a persons moral obligation to be productive member of society, it is the moral obligation of society to take from the productive members and give to the others. 




I can understand giving someone the basics, food, food shelter, clothing, medical care, the operative word being BASIC.  A person who works should not have their lifestyle lowered to provide an equivalent lifestyle to someone who chooses not to work.  The American dream was based on having the freedom to make a better life for yourself and your family.  How is this possible now with the government taking more and more money from you in the form of taxes under the guise of it's your moral obligation to help others.  It maybe a moral obligation to assist others less fortunate but it is not a moral obligation to bring your lifestyle down and theirs up to an equal standard.  That is socialism or communism and that is not what America was founded on. 


America was based on an individual's right to make themselves the best life they could.  The government's job was to insure that all American citizens had that right.  This appears to have been lost somewhere.  It appears that the officials we have elected to represent our interests have put the right of Americans to better themselves on the proverbial back burner. 


This if it is not stopped it is the death of America.  What reason will the upcoming generations have to better themselves, to be inventive or innovative if there is no reward, if everything they work for will be taken from them? 


It is time to rethink the perversion of term 'moral obligation' and return it to it's true meaning that being the individual has the moral obligation to be a productive member of society and not society taking from the productive members to reward the non productive members.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welfare is Slavery

I wonder if the socialist bleeding heart do-gooders, ever think through the consequences of their actions and words? There is an article in August 11th's Republican American that reports that despite the high unemployment rate and the fact the the city is offering training and the pay rates start at $15 to $17 per hour construction jobs are going unfilled. Why? Common sense and logic tell me it is the fault of the socialist bleeding heart do-gooders because they have made welfare more attractive then working. Yes that's right. You see they believe everyone should have the same standard of living whether they work for it or not and have elected socialists to pass laws ensuring this. Why go out and raise a sweat and actually do something that produces something good, something that raises your self esteem, something that shows others you have pride and skill when you can sit home in a taxpayer paid for apartment eating taxpayer paid for food and still having money left for booze, cigarettes, drugs, tattoos, cars and sex? If you are on welfare not do to a real physical or mental disorder/disability and laziness is not a disorder or disability you should be living in a dorm eating cafeteria style meals and wearing hand me down clothes and you should have no taxpayer supplied spending money. This is what is called motivation. You want something better for you and your family you work for it. Instead of electing socialists (democrats) you elect people who bring jobs and training back to the U.S. People who want you to work to have pride and self esteem. Stop letting the socialists (democrats) tell you that you are useless, that you will never be worth anything that you can't support yourself or your family and that they the socialists (democrats) have to take care of you. That is just what the slave owners did to the slaves but because of PC we now call them democrats (socialist) slave owners who keep their elected position by buying votes with taxpayers money through welfare. Wake up take pride in yourself and tell the socialists you want a job, pride and self esteem not their form of slavery to welfare.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Elected employees

To the President, the Congress the governors and the state legislatures along with the EPA, DHS, DEEP, DOD, and all the other federal and state agencies that make laws, rules, regulations, guidelines and so on. Here is a piece of information you seemed to have forgotten, never understood or just feel you can totally ignore and that is, the U.S. Constitution is the law of the land. That said, you are not rulers, kings, despots, feudal lords, you are the employees of the American Citizen. Your job is not to tell us what you think we should do to protect your interests or those of multinational companies or even foreign countries. No your job is to do what we the American Citizens instruct you to do.
Your duties and limits are clearly set in the U.S. Constitution and it is time you abide by them. You at this time have taken the freest, greatest most innovative, technologically advanced country in the world and have all but destroyed it, by taking away rights guaranteed by the Constitution, by forcing out companies through taxes and useless regulations, by putting foreign government wants and desires above those of Americans by granting them Most Favored Nation status where they can import substandard goods and foods at prices below what the quality goods and foods cost when made and grown properly in America. You have all but destroyed the greatest education system the world has ever known by dumbing down requirements and attempting to institute socialist teaching under the Common Core. This needs to be reversed. There is an election in several months and if what I see on the internet not the government run media the majority of the voters are outraged at what elected employees have done to the greatest country in history and there will be a house cleaning by the voters. Americans will once again live in the greatest Free country in the world.